Thursday, December 16, 2010

Let's Try Once More, With Feeling.

Hey, Tom here once again attempting to keep the dream alive.  I write for a living (but my job in technology is what pays the bills).  I'm reintroducing myself because this is the final time I'm getting back into this blog and hopefully will be riding on it for quite a while.

First, if you are new to the site, scroll on down and work your way up (I promise it's not too many posts).  Second, if you have no idea what the hell comic books are about (especially super hero) but are interested feel free to contact me and I'll start you on the right track.

We have plenty of things we can talk about now!  What to choose from.  There's Brightest Day, Crossed (yes, i actually attempted to read Crossed and I was horrified), Planetary, Oh, I know!  Boom Comics recent Stan Lee approved work!  At first I have to admit I was skeptical.  On the surface these are three character archetypes we've seen in superheroes since the silver age.  We have (what seems to be on the surface) the tech suit character (which plays more like green lantern/blue beetle once you've picked up the ish), the time traveler (haven't picked this one up yet but it most intrigues me), and the hero of the stars.  First the tech suit fare.  Soldier Zero works so far, but not too intriguing yet.  However, I'm really wanting to see where Starborn goes.  I'm not going to ruin it for you but it's damn appealing and some wishful thinking on my part.  Let's just say it's basically my life turning into what I wish was my life.

While I love the idea of these three new series, I hate that Stan Lee has his name on it.  Stan Lee endorsed made me shy away at first because I was afraid it'd be golden age/silver age writing affair with bing bang booms involved and long drawn out monologues and quips.  It also made me think if it's not that then it's just some wishful money grubbing scheme by putting the well known excelsior bantering, off his high chair, grinning like a jackass old man's signature on the cover so people will pick it up saying "Stan Lee wrote this!  Excelsior!" (which I hope no one really does).  But in the end, I went in abandoning all my fears and finding a joyful romp on two accounts (a little less joyful on Soldier Zero).  So cheers to Chris Roberson and Paul Cornell, keep up the good work.

To new beginnings,

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