Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Third Times a Charm....HOLY DCnU!

Alright, I'm back and no promises this time.  I'll be in and out of the game.  I just want to post some quick thoughts on an article I'm reading then get back to playing with my cat until tomorrow 4th and final week of DCnU's numbers 1s.  Possibly once I get my hands on all the books tomorrow I'll post my tops list, bottoms list, and my thoughts.

I've been reading through Newsarama's DC New Reader's Litmus Test and I have to question what kind of test tube babies they acquired for this romp.

Here's the link to the one I'm in the process of reading:

On the subject of Supergirl new reader "Jenny" (with her superb reading, subtext, and continuity skills) has this to say:

"I was very confused by the narration and what was going on where while reading this comic. It seemed as though Supergirl landed through Clark Kent's farm...and went to Siberia?" Jenny said. In fact, because the issue took place in Russia, Jenny thought the comic was setting up the mobile suit fighters as Russian antagonists, thus leading her to believe, "It seemed that the Cold War was still happening, which I could care less about."

I honestly want to know if "Jenny" - I mean test tube baby number 3, who by the way was taken out of the e-z bake oven too early - had received an early non lettered copy.  Because I really don't understand how anyone could be lost in this book.  It's possible the reader was too focused on the pop art icon that is Superman and his well known back story rather than focusing on whats on the page.  I may have to go jump in the long box and find this issue to attempt a fresh look at the character to see if I'm receiving the same misinformation, but from my knowledge this issue was very straight forward and truthfully not much happened.

Well, there's my two cents on this article and what new readership DC has to look forward to if this is a taste of whats to come.

Begin the "dumbing down" process.

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