Sunday, January 15, 2012

Avengers vs X-Men vs New Readers. New Readers lose.

My apartment is a wreck.  I'm constantly working.  I'm having money troubles.  Instead of working on any of that.  What do I do?  Make an appearance on my blog.

Yes this is the beginning of the next resurgence of posts.

To begin, Avengers Vs X-Men?  You know what I think?  I think it's a ploy to get new readers.  Honestly I was disgusted to see the breaking news title a while back when rumaging through the usual news sites.  I'm still not happy with it.  I'm so broken by it that I haven't even read much of the news surrounding it.  What news there is that is besides a crap ton of teaser images of who's brawling with who.  Really?  Really Marvel?  Do you just want to further the stereotype that all comics are all super gonzo's duking it spandex that only remains to be seen on Broadway?  But again, I have come to the personal conclusion that this is a ploy for new readers. 

What do new readers know most?  Stereotypes and the big names.  Avengers and X-Men have already had quite the popular media romps outside of the comic book realm.  Avengers has an upcoming movie, has had a running cartoon, and is marketed on everything from lunchboxes to video games.  X-Men is all the same.  George Lucas eat your heart out.  So new readers know both of these teams, they are coming to the book expecting the stereotype (which it is).  And for some new readers, it's what they want.  HOWEVER, it remains to be seen that ANY publisher really pulls out the big marketing tricks for the stereotype breaking books.  These amazing, exciting books are what really pull readers into the comic book world to stay and thats why we are missing new returning readers.  Apart from hearing it through the grapevine, new readers will never enjoy specific books that just keep people in the loop coming back over and over again.  Please change your marketing for the better of the media form.  Please?

Back to work.  I'll see you on the other side of the divergent timeline

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