Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cosmic Blast from the (Recent) Past

For the fans of cosmic Marvel I bring to you great news (that you may have already heard about).  Just yesterday Marvel released the promo art of their new point 1 one shots coming out in early 2012.  This promo art has a beloved character (or at least hero, may not be the same person) that "died" a couple years back.  That character is none other than Nova:

Richard Rider (Nova) "died" in the Thanos Imperative event along with Star-Lord.  Two characters that we have grown to love since the Annihilation event.  These characters were lost to a rift in space that led to a parallel universe named the Cancerverse.  The rift was closed with these characters in it.  Since then we've had too few Cosmic books:  The Annihilators and the current Annihilators: Earthfall.  This may herald a new era or resurge of cosmic books that hopefully will result with the return of Star-Lord.

It's been speculated that the character in the promo art is more than likely Richard Rider's younger brother, Robert.  While I'm honestly crossing my fingers that Richard will return, I find this speculation more than possible. Robert was inducted into the Nova Corps during War of Kings (if I'm remembering correctly) and has basically been the Corps bitch.  I'd rather him carry a fanny pack like he should rather than taking the Nova mantle.  Nonetheless now with Richard gone, Robert might truly don the helm until Rich's eventual return (he didn't technically die).

I'm pretty stoked for this news, but there is a cost at this beloved characters return:  Jeph Loeb.  I'll tell you right now, I'm not a fan of Loeb's work but maybe he'll pull this one off.  Who knows, maybe he's just doing this one-shot and if they start an ongoing title Abnett and Lanning will take back the reigns of the writing duties.  Also, let's see how "hulkishly" ripped the new Nova will be when McGuinness gets a hold of him.  As for the helmet, I'll have to see more art before I pass judgement but I'm on the fence right now as to whether its a good change in costume.

Awaiting with bated breath now I return to reading Annihilators: Earthfall #1.

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